I am currently in the process of making Limoncello… which takes 80 days. After zesting about 15 lemons for that recipe (check back in 80 days for results), I had 15 lemons worth of juice. My husband got sick of drinking lemon drop martinis, so I made lemon curd with the remaining juice. Now I have an overabundance of lemon curd – so I guess it’s time to make some lemon tarts!
I bought mini tart shell molds at Bed Bath and Beyond, for about 30 cents each… but after peeling and scraping all the price tags off the bottom of each one, I was a little tired, and didn’t feel like rolling out dough and making individual tart shells. (Why do they have to put super sticky paper stickers on the bottoms of each tart shell??? Why??!!!!?!) I had some pre-packaged pie crust in the refrigerator, and in my lazy mood, decided to use that instead to make the tart shells. I used a flower shaped cookie cutter to punch out the unbaked pie crust, and arranged the flower shaped dough “cookies” in a mini muffin pan to make the tarts look more decorative ( vs. standard pastry rounds haphazardly crammed into the mini muffin tin).
My mini tarts turned out really cute, and I’m really happy with how easy it was. In the future, I might use this method again to make mini-tart shells… but I prefer the taste of homemade pastry over the store bought crust which is rather bland.
UPDATE 9/17/2013: Several people have sent me messages asking for a lemon curd recipe. I do have a step by step recipe for lemon curd (you could also make lime curd) that I have posted. (The lemon curd recipe can be cut in half.)
For alternate filling ideas (chocolate ganache, cheesecake cream, etc.), see my post on homemade Mini Tart Desserts.
If you would like to make your own pie crust and roll it out, try my pastry recipe for tart shells.
- 1 unbaked pie crust
- 1 jar lemon curd
- 1 T. powdered sugar
- mini muffin pan
- flower shaped cookie cutter
1. Unroll the pie crust. Cut out as many flowers as possible. Re-roll the scraps and cut more flowers, you should be able to get 12 flower shaped dough pieces.
2. Center each flower over a mini muffin depression. Fold alternate petals inward, and gently push the dough down into the bottom.
3. Gently push the outer petals against the muffin pan sides, then push the inner 3 petals against the sides and outer 3 petals. You will end up with a flower shaped unbaked tart shell.
4. Prick each of the bottoms of the unbaked dough shells with a fork, twice. Bake at 425 degrees for about 5-7 minutes until golden brown. Remove to a plate.
5. Fill each shell with a few teaspoons of lemon curd.
6. Dust the powdered sugar over the tops. Voila! A fancy dessert that is cute, and very simple to make. (A variety of fillings that would also work: nutella, jam, vanilla pudding or custard topped with berries… the possibilities are endless!)
I randomly found this recipe while Image-Googling “Flower Side Bun Hairstyle” and I’m so glad your pictures came up in the search! I am absolutely giving this a try. Very clever!
Yay! I’m glad you found my site – let me know how your tarts turn out!
I cannot find the daisy cookie cutter. Where can I order it?
I got my flower shaped cookie cutter from this set:
Wilton101-Piece Cookie Cutter Set
It is in stock at Amazon. I know it’s a lot of extra cookie cutters… but since the price is so low ($13) you can just save any cookie cutters you might use in the future and give the rest away to a friend if you want. Otherwise, most craft stores (like Michael’s or Joann’s) should have individual flower shaped cookie cutters.
I think Williams-Sonoma also has individual cookie cutters you can purchase in their baking section. This $5 set could be useful:
You can buy it as a single cookie cutter for $1.93 at Ben Franklins
Lovely idea want to try this for my daughters 5 bday party.
Buenisima idea
Hi Mika,
How big is your cookie cutter ? ( diameter size)
My flower shaped cookie cutter is somewhere around 4 inches in diameter. The one I use came from a 101 piece Wilton Cookie Cutter set – it’s a pretty good deal because you get a variety of shapes for multiple occasions for only $12 or so:
Wilton Cookie Cutter Set
Hi Mika.
I did and I`m very happy 
Thanks for the recipe and the tutorial
Dzikuje i serdecznie pozdrawiam!
Looks great!
Adorable,,,how did you get the powdered sugar on just the petals and not on the filling?
I sprinkled powdered sugar over the entire tart. The lemon curd in the center is moist – so after a few minutes, the powdered sugar dissolves into the lemon curd and you don’t see it.
Thanks,,,,,,,so simple, but so cute
where can I find the recipe for the lemon curd?
Here is the recipe that I use for lemon curd:
This sounds wonderful but my kids are not into lemon (I love lemon tarts). Can it be substituted with chocolate or pumpkin pie filling? If so, do you have a recipe to recommend?
Yes, you can make any sort of tart you like! Pumpkin pie filling (you can pipe the cooked pumpkin pie filling into the shell using a large star tip fitted bag) would be a great alternative. You can also make chocolate ganache by melting 5 oz. chopped chocolate into 1/2 c. hot heavy cream. I will be posting a recipe soon for mini tart desserts, where I will go through chocolate ganache, cheesecake cream, and jam fillings for mini tarts.
Yay!!! Can’t wait. Love your site, everything so lovely and explained so well
You’re welcome!
love the idea how would you do pumpkin would you make your filling and cook like a regular pie but watch the time?
Maybe fill with pumpkin butter instead of lemon curd:
Or you can make your favorite pumpkin pie recipe (crustless), then mash it up so that it’s a smoother consistency, and use a large piping tip to pipe the filling attractively into the shells.
What an intelligent idea! Gorgeous! Love it !
I have no idea how to make lemon curd. Help!!!
This is my step-by-step recipe for lemon curd. You can cut the recipe in half (I often do) if you don’t want to make that much. You can also preserve it using a water bath canner if you aren’t going to use it immediately:
eu nao consigo er a receita da massa por favor manda pra mim..obrigada
Ok so I ran your comment through google translate:
“I can not see the dough recipe please send me .. thanks”
In the body of my blog post (above), I posted a link to my tart shell recipe (for the “dough”:
Here are the ingredients:
Tart Pastry:
1/2 c. unsalted butter
1/2 tsp. salt
1 1/2 tsp. sugar
1 1/2 c. flour
1/4 c. sour cream
Please see the above link for instructions on making the pastry dough.
Could you use pumpkin filing
Yes, absolutely! However, I would pre-bake the tart shells first, then fill them with cooked pumpkin pie filling. (Just make your favorite pumpkin pie recipe without the pie crust. Then, use a large open star tip to pipe the cooked pumpkin pie filling into the shells.) If you need a recipe for pumpkin pie filling, I will be posting one pretty soon.
I love it ^_^
do you flour or spray the muffin pan before putting down the pie dough?
If your mini muffin pan is non-stick, then no, you don’t have to. However, if you don’t have a non-stick pan, then you might want to spray it first.
hi, great idea. I tried them but i don’t think that i have the right mini muffin pan size as mine the flower come bigger on top. what size is your muffin tray please.
I use a regular sized cupcake pan. If your flowers are too big, then maybe try a smaller cookie cutter.
I’m a little confused; your recipe says to use a mini muffin pan, but just above here you say that you use a regular sized cupcake pan. Which is correct? And earlier when you said you used a cookie cutter that was about 4″ in diameter, was that actually for a REGULAR sized cupcake pan and NOT the mini pan as you originally stated?
Sorry for the confusion – I thought it was understood since I was replying to a question from someone who was referring to my comment on mini muffin pans. I meant a regular sized mini-muffin or mini-cupcake pan. There is a regular/standard muffin sized pan, and also a regular/standard sized mini muffin pan. So it’s a regular sized MINI muffin or MINI cupcake pan – see the photos above.
Thank you so much for this recipe/tutorial
I am a total lemon person so will be making these and the Lemon Curd recipe as well. You are amazing!!
You’re welcome!
Love your recipes keep sharing them
I will!
Hi there. I don’t speak Spanish very well, so I ran your question through google translate, and this is what I got:
You can buy premade frozen pie crust at the supermarket. If you would like to make your own piecrust, then I suggest my pastry recipe:
Gosh Mika. You never ceased to amaze me with your patience and dedication to your blog. You actually take the time to google a translation for the question in order to offer an answer. I would have hit pass. My admiration toward you go up a notch.
OK, Thanks
WOW, even me that don’t cook or bake very often I think I can do this, I have a jar of lemon curd also, but when I saw the pumpkin one, O-YES! so many things to put in it, THANK THANK YOU–O yea been on your site for 2 hrs, now hungrey,
Thanks for the comment. It really is quite easy, but looks very impressive!
CUTE !!! I love this ideas and i’m going to make some for christmas I think. How awesome are these little things. Curious on how you got the icing sugar to stick to the crust…. you dusted them before filing the tarts right?
Actually, I filled the tarts first… then I dusted with powdered sugar. The sugar melts into the filling, so it becomes transparent there. Otherwise the powdered sugar sticks to the pastry crust all by itself.
How did the Lemoncello taste? Is there a recipe?
It was good! Here is the recipe:
I am making these for my daughters wedding reception on Saturday… to go along with the cookie bar, they are absolutely DARLING and I think they will just be adorable! Thank you!
Donna: How did these go? How far in advance did you make them? I want to make them for our vow renewal in two weeks but want to do as much as possible ahead of time.
Thank you for this great tutorial.I’m planning on making this for my 50′s birthday. Can I make the tarts two or tree days before? Will they stay crisp? Thank you!!!
Yes, I think you can make the tart shells a couple days in advance. I wouldn’t fill them, though, until the day of the event. Happy birthday!
Thanks much!!
I am trying a savory version of this. Using crescent dough, dropping a square of Gouda cheese and the covering with a homemade cranberry sauce. I will let you know if it works.
Sounds delicious!
Thank you for the idea! I will do them for Christmas, they are beautiful and tasty for sure
can not wait…
Can’t wait to try these. Found some strawberry rhubarb filling on closeout today at Kroger by the lemon curd, so I’m going to try it with that! Hope to make these for a sweet treat for our Super Bowl Party!
Strawberry rhubarb sounds delicious!
Hi, Great idea, could you please advise the recipe for making the pie crust,
thank you in advance
Try my pastry recipe (can be used for tart shells or pie crust):
(Use steps 1-4)
Mika, I mean what kind of dough have you used to make those flower lemon tarts?
You mean what brand of pre-made pie crust (if not making a pie crust from scratch)? In the refrigerated section of the supermarket – usually Pillsbury sells refrigerated pie crust dough. It’s a rolled out unbaked pie crust that is rolled into a tube with waxed paper.
Mika, i mean make the dough myself, is it the one you have recommended?
Yes, there is a recipe link to my tart shell recipe right before the ingredient list above. Here is the link just in case you can’t find it:
That is the dough recipe that I always use to make pastries: pie crust, tart shells, etc.
Mika, thank you so much for the idea and your tips, please take a look at the result!
This is such a great idea! I will definitely be giving this a try
I was thinking of trying this idea with Pillsbury seamless pastry sheets and canned pie filling for a last minute quick idea. Served with a dollop of flavored whip cream. Would this work? Cookie cutter found in Easter aisle of Walmart.
Maybe? Pastry sheets… so you mean puff pastry? Anything more bread like or like puff pastry may puff up during baking and not give you much of a pocket to put any filling… but you can always try it and see if it works?
why can’t you just use lemon pie filling?
You can… You can use whatever filling you want! That’s what makes it so easy.
Can you use sugar cookie dough instead of the pie crust and make fruit tarts instead?
It depends on the dough. Many cookie doughs will have a tendency to spread when baking, so you might end up with a much more messy looking tart. Chilled rolled cookie dough might give you the best shot… but I’m not sure since I’ve never made it that way.
The Pillsbury sheets did not work too well as they puffed up too much. But in theory this is a great idea.
Yeah, that’s what I figured. Too bad it didn’t work.
Quick question: Did you spray your muffin tin before you put the pie crust in there?
No, I did not… my mini muffin pan has a non-stick coating, and there is usually enough fat in pastry crust to make a greasing step unnecessary.
They are so loveli!
I bought some good quality frozen pie crust, but it puffed up like puff pastry, even though I pricked it with a fork. Is there a brand of frozen crust that you can recommend?
I don’t recall what brand I bought… I think it might have been store brand. Often, I will make my own pie crust. Just make sure you dock it well so that it doesn’t puff up. If all else fails, you can fill the mini tarts with pie weights to keep it down.
Looks like Michelle Phan took your idea without crediting the source. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0WCCyBWGVM&feature=youtu.be
How far ahead of time could I fill these without them getting soggy? I am making the cups & lemon curd and pastry cream for mini fruit tarts today and was going to pipe the fillings in tomorrow but don’t know how early I can fill/store them before we eat around noon. Ideas?
I think you can prepare all the ingredients ahead of time, then fill them the morning of your event. Making the tart shells is the most time consuming part. Piping and filling shouldn’t take too long as long as you have all the ingredients prepped in advance.
Just baked a test batch of tarts. Failure. All the tarts stuck, the petals fell off. Am not sure what to do next time is ticking!
Is your pan non-stick? Maybe your tarts are underbaked. What kind of dough did you use? You need to use a pie crust dough that has a fair amount of fat in it – in the pictures above, I used refrigerated pie crust dough. When you place the dough into the depressions of the mini muffin pan, be gentle and don’t press it up against the sides.
I want to make mini tartlets for an appetizer but I want a flower for that and I don’t have tartlet pans. Can I spray a regular muffin tin well and only put the dough a little bit up the side or line it with foil?
Thank you
Are you saying that you have a regular sized muffin pan, but not a mini muffin pan? You can make these tartlets in a larger muffin pan, but you might need to make them a bit bigger for the same effect. If you use the smaller sized flowers and only go half way up a regular muffin pan – the problem is the bottom is too large and the petals won’t spread out, so it will not look the same. You can certainly try it, though, and see if you are happy with the way it looks. (Also it might be hard to remove).
Sorry for the typo, I don’t want the flower. I do have regular size muffin pan but not a tart pan with the removable bottom. Well I still be able to just spray the pan n not ppt the dough all the way up the sides in order to make my trays?
Thank you
OK… so I’m not sure what you are asking since you are commenting on my “flower shaped mini lemon curd tart” recipe. If I am understanding correctly – you want to make mini tarts, but NOT in a flower shape, and you don’t have a tart pan or a mini muffin pan?
If you are looking to make open tarts in a regular sized muffin pan – I don’t have any recipes for this. Can you do it? Probably. Will it look nice? I don’t know. You might also have a problem removing them from the muffin pan.
I do have a recipe for mini PIES (with pastry to cover the top) using muffin pans – these look better and come out nicer because they have a top pastry connected to the sides. You probably can’t use it for lemon curd – you would have to use a more solid filling like apple.
You can also buy a mini tartlet pan (which is much easier) if you are looking to make mini tarts – these come out really pretty:
If you don’t want either of the above, the easiest way of making mini tarts using a muffin pan is to use a cookie cutter in a flower shape and proceed as suggested in the recipe above… these are the easiest to remove from the pan and look the nicest. But make sure that your flower is large enough to cover the opening as the picture in step 3 shows.
We are totally miscommunicating. Do I have to have a muffin pan where the bottom circle comes out or can I use a well sprayed muffin pan of the size of my choice?
If you are looking to make the flower shaped tarts (as in the recipe above), you simply use a regular mini muffin pan – removable bottom not needed.
I love this recipe. Thank you so much. Obviously so many other people also love it because I’ve seldom seen so many comments, all good, for any recipe.
These are darling and were a great hit. I am right now making lime curd muffin cups because I had no lemons and the lovely neighbor behind me has a lime tree. Part of it drips into my yard and sprinkles limes on the ground for me. Can’t wait to taste this.
Thanks, Mad Maggie
Hi there! Thanks for your kind words! Fresh lime curd tarts sound awesome!
Am planning an Alice In Wonderland afternoon tea and came across your flower tarts on pinterest. Absolutely perfect idea for me to use, thank you for sharing your ideas.
You’re welcome!
Would this crust work for simple pear tarts?
Probably? Assuming your pear is cut up and made into an apple pie like filling, then sure it could fill the tart shells pretty well.
Yes I use a muffin tin. Just be sure to cut the piecrust into flower shape with a cookie cutter (found a very inexpensive one at Walmart) and let the edges of the petals flop over the top edges.