With Halloween and Thanksgiving right around the corner, I thought I would post one of my favorite (easy) recipes to make Pumpkin Pie Turnovers. This recipe is pretty universal – you can actually use any kind of filling you want… apple pie filling, cherry pie filling, jam, nutella, custard… even sweetened red bean paste! Just use store bought puff pastry dough (find it in the freezer section of your grocery store) – it’s easy, uncomplicated, and turns out perfect every time.
I know many people just throw out their Halloween pumpkins. But I don’t… I make pumpkin puree for baking out of them. The conventional wisdom is that Halloween Jack O’Lanterns (a.k.a. “field pumpkins“) aren’t ideal flavor-wise for baking… and most cooking/baking experts will tell you to choose the smaller sugar pumpkins instead. That is good advice if you are buying a pumpkin just for baking a pie… but what if you have a bunch of leftover Halloween pumpkins? Should you just throw them away? No! Use them! You will be surprised how good your baked goods will turn out, even with Jack O’Lantern puree – just use my technique so that you can make a puree that works in any recipe calling for pumpkin puree.
Pumpkin Pie Filling? It’s actually not as much work as you think – this filling is fast and crazy easy! Use the microwave to make this filling in a flash – just mix up the ingredients in a microwaveable bowl, cover, and nuke for 5 minutes. Voila! Pumpkin Pie filling!
Pumpkin Pie Filling:

Look for frozen puff pastry dough in the freezer section of your supermarket. Trader Joe's also sells an excellent frozen puff pastry dough.
- 1 c. pumpkin puree
- 1 egg
- 1/3 c. sugar
- 3/4 c. milk
- 1/4 tsp. salt
- 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp. ground cloves
- 1/4 tsp. nutmeg
- 2 sheets puff pastry dough, defrosted (1 pkg)
- egg wash (1 egg yolk beaten with 1 T. water)
- large crystal decorating sugar
1. A few hours in advance (or the night before), make the filling. Mix all the pumpkin pie ingredients in a microwaveable bowl until uniformly combined.
2. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap. Microwave on high for 5 minutes. Allow to cool, then refrigerate. (You could bake this in the oven… but I find it much simpler to just microwave. It’s faster!)
3. Allow the puff pastry dough to defrost on the counter for 40 minutes. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Remove one sheet and roll out to a 12″ X 12″ square, using a little flour to prevent sticking. (If the sheet separates when unfolding, use your fingers to press the seams back together.)
4. Cut the square into 4 smaller squares.
5. Place 1/8 of the pumpkin pie mixture into the center of a square. Brush the edges with egg wash.
6. Fold the dough over to form a triangle, and use the tines of a fork to seal and crimp the edges. Transfer to a silicone lined baking sheet with a spatula. Repeat with the remaining squares.
7. Brush the surface of the turnovers with more egg wash.
8. Sprinkle with the decorating sugar (if you have none, then use a light sprinkle of turbinado sugar or regular granulated sugar.) Use a sharp paring knife to create two slits in each pastry (to vent).
9. Bake for 20 minutes at 400 degrees. Remove from oven and cool for 10 minutes before serving. (While the first batch is in the oven, use the rest of the dough and filling to make your second batch of turnovers.) Recipe makes 8 servings.
I just made this. I use Pepperidge Farm puff pastries. They puffed up nicely. The filling was really good. I cooked the pastries for 15 minutes but they still burnt a little on the bottom. So I won’t know how they really taste 100℅ percent till I make a non burnt one.
Hi there! What kind of baking pan did you use? I find that certain metal sheet pans (especially the darker metal) have a tendency to burn cookies and pastries… if you don’t have a silicone baking sheet liner, I would highly recommend it! The silicone baking sheet liners stopped me from ever having crispy/burnt cookie or pastry bottoms.