20 ideas to use up leftover Thanksgiving Turkey (What to do with leftover turkey)


I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  This year I made a big humongous 22 pound turkey… and even after giving away leftovers for family to take home, I still had a ton of leftover meat.  Yesterday, we ate Thanksgiving 2.0 for lunch, and today we had Thanksgiving 3.0.  I don’t want to eat Thanksgiving [...]

Fresh Homemade Pumpkin Pie (from scratch)

Homemade Pumpkin Pie from scratch.

Happy Thanksgiving!  Thanksgiving is almost here… and I’ve been slowly getting ready for the big feast on Thursday.  I plan to make most of the side dishes on Wednesday… but the pumpkin pie and other desserts can be made up 2-3 days in advance to help save time on Thanksgiving Day.  My husband always says, [...]

Mexican Chicken Soup

Mexican Chicken Soup

Ahh, November!  Around here… whenever this time of year comes around, it means crisp fall weather, Santa Ana winds… and cold/flu season!  :(  Last week, I came down with a terrible cold.  I was so incredibly miserable, and I found myself craving the Mexican chicken soup that we usually get at a local hole-in-the wall [...]