Dan Bing (Taiwanese Pancake with Egg)

Dan Bing

On our recent trip to Taiwan, we stopped at “Yung Ho Restaurant” in the Linkou District of New Taipei City for traditional Taiwanese breakfast food.  This place (a popular Taiwanese chain) is open from the evening all the way through late morning – but closed during the afternoon (when they make all the food for [...]

Mung Bean Mooncakes (Mooncakes made with press mold)

Mung Bean Mooncakes (Made with mooncake press/mold)

Last week, I made homemade Chinese Mooncakes… freeform style (basically just hand shaped, using a flat acrylic stamp on the top).  Those mooncakes were fun to make… but I wanted to figure out how to make them a little more intricate – so that they looked more like the ones at the bakery.  So, I [...]

Homemade Chinese Mooncakes


In the Chinese (Lunar) calendar, the 15th day of the 8th month is considered the middle of the autumn season.  On this day, the Chinese celebrate the “Mid-Autumn Festival”, also known as the “Moon Festival” (as this is the time of year the moon is considered the brightest and roundest).  This year, 2012, the Moon [...]

Asian Avocado Milkshake

Avocado Milkshake

Here’s a quick and easy dessert… very popular in South-East Asia: Avocado Milkshake!  Just throw 3 ingredients into a blender with some crushed ice, and about 30 seconds later, voila! To people unfamiliar with avocado flavored desserts, trust me – it’s delicious and not at all strange; avocado is a fruit, after all!  You can also make [...]

Homemade Soft Baked Pretzels with Rosemary and Pink Himalayan Salt

Homemade Soft Baked Pretzels

I love fresh baked soft pretzels!   There is something intoxicating about the smell of the baking dough…  and when you bite into one, hot from the oven, the soft interior combined with the crispy bite of salt on the top…. YUM! My trick when making home baked pretzels is to use beer in place of [...]

Banana Cake (Entenmann’s Old Banana Cake Copycat Recipe)

Banana Cake

When I was a kid, I had this recurring dream… a dream that there was a big cake in the refrigerator, and that when I opened the refrigerator door… I would take the biggest slice of yummy cake out and eat it for breakfast.  Sometimes that dream was so real… I would wake up craving [...]

Baked Mini Chocolate Cake Donuts

Mini Chocolate Donuts with Chocolate Sprinkles

Do you ever get in that donut mood?  I try to eat healthy for the most part, but sometimes you really need a good donut!  A few months ago, I was craving Krispy Kreme glazed donuts… which motivated me to figure out the recipe.  I was shocked and excited when I was contacted by the [...]

Thai Pumpkin-Shrimp Coconut Soup

Thai Pumpkin-Shrimp Coconut Soup

Whenever I cook with shrimp, I save the discarded raw shells in the freezer to make soup stock in the future.  Once I have enough shells accumulated, I know I can make this soup from “leftovers” that are hanging around in the refrigerator! You can use pumpkin puree, carrot puree, or tomato paste to flavor [...]

S’mores Cookie

S'mores Cookies

Last week, my husband’s sister and her husband moved down from Sacramento to San Diego.  One of their last stops in Sacramento, before making the final drive down South, was to a local bakery called the “Cookie Connection.”  They got a huge stack of cookies for the road (and some extra to share)… Oatmeal Raisin, [...]

Avocado-Cilantro Pesto with Spaghetti

Avocado Cilantro Pesto with Spaghetti

It’s still avocado season, here in San Diego!    Sometimes at the market, I can find wonderful deals on avocados… 5 for $5.  Or, if we get lucky, friends who have avocado trees will drop off a bag or two.  (I tried planting a Hass avocado tree 3 years ago, but it died!) When I [...]