On our recent trip to Taiwan, we stopped at “Yung Ho Restaurant” in the Linkou District of New Taipei City for traditional Taiwanese breakfast food. This place (a popular Taiwanese chain) is open from the evening all the way through late morning – but closed during the afternoon (when they make all the food for [...]
Asian Avocado Milkshake
Here’s a quick and easy dessert… very popular in South-East Asia: Avocado Milkshake! Just throw 3 ingredients into a blender with some crushed ice, and about 30 seconds later, voila! To people unfamiliar with avocado flavored desserts, trust me – it’s delicious and not at all strange; avocado is a fruit, after all! You can also make [...]
Thai Pumpkin-Shrimp Coconut Soup
Whenever I cook with shrimp, I save the discarded raw shells in the freezer to make soup stock in the future. Once I have enough shells accumulated, I know I can make this soup from “leftovers” that are hanging around in the refrigerator! You can use pumpkin puree, carrot puree, or tomato paste to flavor [...]
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